Digital Marketing – Technology or Communication?

The evolution of Digital Marketing to where we stand today started with websites. This too started with print designed converted into html. Most initial websites were simply like brochures.

However, the scenario rapidly changed.

Digital Marketers realised that there was much more that a website can deliver much more than a brochure kind of an interface

Then started the real evolution. The term interactivity was discovered and digital professionals started building interactivity into the UI. The whole idea was to help the user engage with the brand.

This led to changing the tonality of the language and tweaking the whole experience to represent what the brand stood for. Buttons as a concept matured and the critical nature of a Call To Action was realised.

This would be the point when professionals started realising that internet can be used as not only a technical visual means but also used to communicate

With the advent of search advertising, third party banner advertising and subsequently Social Media, the field really opened up

Professionals started creating tools and other features that added value to the engagement that users could have with the brand

The concept of building traffic to the website and aiding task completion that was promised in the advertising was effectively used. The ecosystem of Digital Marketing grew from just website development to driving traffic with a promise of a specific task completion on the website. Once on the website science and research was used to make the interface as intuitive as possible. This was aimed at helping the user complete the task in least number of clicks

Also using these tools an experience is created that gives the users a first hand engagement

All these experiences on the web are now coordinated and harmonized along with communication and design approach. This is now the brand experience that is created. Once users interact more regularly

As we see, today the base for digital marketing is still technical. But the right communication helps create a brand online

This reinforces the concept that Marketing is about communication, with the right Segments. The technical is just a platform to facilitate the communication