Social Media is now recognised as a default part of the media mix in Digital Marketing. There was a time when it was discounted and not taken seriously. There were strong beliefs about the right way to get new leads and converting them into business
This is specially true for B2B kind of business
Conventional Digital Sales Cycle for B2B
The real stage where rapport and comfort levels are built are at the final stage that is Conversations. The previous stages the rapport is more or less absent due to the lack of one to one human interaction. Hence the quality of the advertisement and the content on the landing page becomes a critical component.
Comfort Levels and confidence in the ability of the other associate is the prime factor that helps convert a lead into a sale.
On Social Media like LinkedIn, the right way to communicate is to populate meaningful content on the corporate page. The new process of the sales cycle is as given.
This content can then be shared by the front line teams to relevant industry and functional groups.
Also just by proliferating these groups, it is possible to start conversations with the Target Group. These conversations are a golden opportunity to build a rapport as well as comfort levels. Also using these conversations its possible to intelligently project intellectual and thought leadership thereby creating a value for the individual as well as the brand that he / she represents.
Hence the dual advantage is achieved.
Here the prospective customer has already identified the individual and his company for specific skill sets. Also a certain level of comfort and rapport is already been created. This makes it easier to connect, understand and satisfy the customer
The Lead to Conversion Ratio is far improved
More importantly, the conversations have been on going and will continue giving the customer and other members of the group to engage with the brand that the individual is representing.
So not only does this approach improve the Leads to Sign up Conversion Ratio but also helps create a better brand
No wonder Digital Led Branding is become the talk of the town